Before submitting a proposal to the UAC, you must first file it with the City of Columbus. After you do, the city will send the application to the UAC Zoning Committee Chairman, who will distribute it to the commission and add it to the committee’s meeting agenda. The chairman will send the agenda to the email address listed on the application.
At the meeting, you will have a working session with the committee to discuss the project. Large projects often need two meetings for a vote. Neighbors will also be notified and can attend. The UAC encourages developers and applicants to meet with neighbors and civic associations before meeting approaching the UAC. After the committee votes to recommend the project or not, the full University Area Commission will hear the proposal at its next meeting. The full Commission meets the third Wednesday of every month.
Please be advised that application deadline to submit a zoning case to the Zoning Committee Chair is 7 calendar days before the regular monthly Zoning Committee meeting. Consult the posted schedule for specific dates. Cases received after the deadline will be considered at the following month’s Zoning Committee meeting.
After the UAC renders its decision, the Zoning Chairman will file paperwork with the City of Columbus to inform it of our decision.
Applicants may file an appeal of the Commission’s decision by informing the Zoning Committee Chair 7 days prior to the regular monthly Zoning Committee meeting. The Area Commission shall not entertain any appeal applied for more than 20 days after the date of the previous vote. The process to file an appeal is as follows:
Applicant must provide the following to the Zoning Committee (found on Area Commission website):
Statement of Appeal
Zoning Committee will review the statement of appeal to ensure all required information is provided including:
Reason for the appeal
If any changes have been made since the original case was voted on
A signature certifying the appeal information is accurate and complete is required from the Zoning chairperson.
Once requirements for appeal are met the Full Area Commission may reverse, affirm, or modify their previous decision upon presentation of the appeals documents to the Full Commission.